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TRC's 1300hp 2JZ Build (Ultimate 2JZ Giveaway)

Since our inception, the 2JZ has been a cornerstone of our journey here at Real Street Performance. So when TRC approached us with the idea of recreating and modernizing the TRC Supra’s engine package to give you the opportunity to make your 2JZ dreams a reality, we couldn’t have been more excited. We’re thrilled to officially announce our partnership with our friends at That Racing Channel to give away their 1300HP Dart 2JZ. This engine was meticulously designed and built by our team, leveraging over a decade of 2JZ experience!

Get Entered at www.thatracingchannel.com for your chance to win this 1300HP Real Street 2JZ.

1. Engine Block Internals

2. Cylinder Head

3. Turbo Kit / Fueling

4. Additional Components 

Stay tuned to watch us run this 2JZ on our SuperFlow Engine Dyno here in house!


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